6 Freelancer’s Skills Guide to Social Media Marketing

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6 Freelancer’s Skills Guide to Social Media Marketing

Because of its widespread use, social media has become a significant digital marketing channel for businesses. Many companies devote a considerable portion of their marketing budget to social media. However, without a well-planned strategy, social media marketing can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor. Businesses want employees with the necessary abilities and experience to promote their brand on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.


If you want to work as a freelance social media marketer, now is a great moment to do it. But how do you go about becoming one? This article will show you how to get started on your path to being a freelance social media marketer and which skills you exactly need:


  • Market Research:


Conducting internal market research involves learning everything possible about the client. A media planner will soon understand the client’s brand identity to figure out what their unique selling point is.


Also, conducting external market research to look at what the competitors in the same industry are doing. A media planner will explore how a brand is currently creating ads and how it compares to the competition.


  • Social Media Strategy:


If you want to grab a specific audience’s attention, you’ll need to get to know them well. A social media professional should examine a target demographic’s interests, whereabouts, dialogue, and other useful information to develop a social media plan.



  • Content Creation:


Social media management requires creating lots of captions, so copywriting is key. Freelance social media experts should be good at copywriting and editing, as the most effective social media posts are short, snappy, and witty.


Also, freelancing projects often come with higher expectations than a normal job: clients expect freelancers to deliver copy without any spelling and grammar mistakes. As a freelancer, you can subcontract an editor to double-check your work before delivering it to clients.


  • Media Buying:


As a freelance social media marketer, your need to help your client place digital, physical, print, and broadcast ads. In this role, you may help manage social media marketing campaigns on different social media channels such as ( Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, etc.), determine the best placement of each ad, and make sure each ad purchase falls in line with the budget provided.

Also, helping clients understand normal ad performance for each venue. 


  • Community Management:


Community management usually involves monitoring inboxes and replying to DMs, engaging with post comments and mentions, interacting with other users, and moderating discussions.


Good community management requires being organized and meticulous (ensuring no customer service issues are missed), following the brand’s tone of voice guidelines, and having genuine interactions with the community.


  • Marketing Analytics:


Freelancers are frequently asked to analyze and report on a client’s social media networks. A successful freelance social media manager should provide a monthly report detailing the results of their work, including audience growth, engagement rates, reach, and, if appropriate, direct sales/conversions. so they can develop and optimize their marketing efforts.


Choosing to invest in a freelance social media career is probably one of the best things you’ll do, we have absolutely no doubt about that. The important thing is that you plan this out carefully so that you can handle and prepare for the stumbling blocks, rather than getting blindsided by them.


But we have absolutely no doubt that freelancing as your next career step and getting yourself out of there will definitely take you places.

YallaMission Freelance Platform

Author Since: September 21, 2021

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